Cultural heritage at risk by climate change

Charisma project team presents and discusses the results of WP1

10/03/2023 – 10.00 – Rome Business School

Via Giuseppe Montanelli, 5, 00195 Rome Italy

live streaming available




10.00 Welcome and introduction to CHARISMA Project



10.15 Presentation of WP1 Project results. Study on risk assessment and management of cultural heritage across Europe



10.45 Art cities at climate risk

ARTE Generali


11.15 Maria Teresa Iaquinta



11.30 Ing. Daniele Spizzichino, PhD

ISPRA – Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


12.00 Q&A and Closing remarks

How to participate in the event in presence

Per partecipare in presenza

Please fill out the form below. You will receive a confirmation from our staff. Places are limited.

Compilare il form sottostante, riceverete una conferma dal nostro staff. I posti sono limitati.

How to watch the live streaming

Per seguire la diretta streaming

Live streaming attendance doesn’t require any registration
and is available on Charisma Project Youtube Channel
Per seguire la diretta streaming non si richiede registrazione
ed è disponibile su questa pagina o sul canale Youtube di Charisma

To read the full report, click here:


Appointment of the winning company

Appointment of the winning company

The Evaluation Commission (EC) declares to have proceeded with the control and evaluation of the offers received through the Call for Tenders for the development of a software application for Risk analysis and Risk assessment in museums, archives and libraries. ...

Closing of the Call for Tenders

Closing of the Call for Tenders

On July 15th 2022 the Call for Tenders for the development of a software application for Risk analysis and Risk assessment in museums, archives and libraries officially closed.    This Call for Tenders has received a total of: one (1) offer.  Today we officially...

CHARISMA on the Erasmus+ platform

CHARISMA on the Erasmus+ platform

The Erasmus+ Project Results Platform represents the European Commission's database for the Erasmus+ Programme and it offers a comprehensive overview of the successful projects funded under this Programme. Our project will use this platform as a source of both...

Call for Tenders

Call for Tenders

The Charisma partners announce the opening of a call for tenders for the creation of a digital application for the risk assessment of cultural assets as part of the Erasmus+ project. The purpose of the application is to meet the following general needs: gather...

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